micro:bit magic wand (intermediate)

  “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” (Arthur C. Clarke). Heck yes it is! What are we waiting for, let’s use technology to create our own kind of magic!! This project uses two micro:bit microcontrollers, a household cooling… Read more

micro:bit magic wand (Beginner)

  While it is a bit tricky for us non-magical humans to levitate objects with our minds, words, or wands, we can use technology to do (basically) the same things! This project uses two micro:bits, a few small electronic parts,… Read more

Micro:Bit Puppet “Text Message” System

Intro Nearly all of our wireless communication is done using radio waves*, including phone calls, text messages, and WiFi. With its built-in radio transmitters and receivers, the Micro:Bit microcontroller makes it super easy to build all sorts of projects with… Read more