The Seattle Times
An article discussing the importance of incorporating the arts into STEM education featured FoxBot Industries’ Founder, Jen Fox. Here are some excerpts:
Take the workshop offered at Living Computers called Intro to Arduino: it covers the basics of the Arduino microcontroller. How tech-geeky does that sound, right? Well, the workshop actually results in each student creating a Theremin, an electronic musical instrument, they can take home to play, which might make some kids who are more drawn to music than computers more likely to participate.
Local educator Jen Fox, who runs Fox Bot Industries, provides workshops and one-on-one classes in STEM subjects by developing custom curriculum and tutorials. Fox is also an advocate for incorporating Arts into STEM fields through project-based learning. She’s the one who runs the Arduino Theremin workshop at Living Computers.
“All of my workshop projects incorporate an artistic and creative element in addition to covering practical skills and knowledge in STEM fields,” says Fox. “For example, my ‘Introduction to Micro:Bit’ workshop involves simple prop-building, and my ‘Robot Mini Golf’ workshopteaches circuit basics through crafting a silly BrushBot to tackle various obstacles.”
Pacific Science Center
Jen founded the Maker in Residence program at the Pacific Science Center in conjunction with Daniel Rother, the Head of the Tinker Tank. Press from this and other positions include:
“When kids see they can build stuff that’s really cool, they get excited and want to try it. They want to tell me everything they know about magnetism, force and electricity, and so I’ll push them: Why is the force really strong in this direction and
not in that direction? What do you notice? I don’t like giving answers; I like giving questions.
When you come to Tinker Tank, you’re going to build something. It’s not lecturing, it’s not reading, it’s a different type of learning. Hands-on, project-based learning. You can stay for five minutes or three hours and you will have something new to
do every time you come.
When you tinker, you learn to problem solve. You innovate and come up with better things. It encourages curiosity which we tend to lose as we get older. Curiosity is what makes the world beautiful. It helps us appreciate the magic and wonder of all
this weird stuff around us.” – Jen Fox
Raspberry Pi Foundation
The Raspberry Pi Foundation has featured two of our projects on their blog:
Thanks, RPi folks!
Make: Media
Our YouTube channel was featured as part of “Weekend Watch”. They wrote:
Jen Foxbot’s YouTube channel offers a range of informative videos on electronics and scientific principles. She offers the kind of essential knowledge that will help you not just make your projects work, but understand how and why they do. It’s a great channel for beginners looking to grow their base knowledge or educators looking for digestible videos to share with their students.
Check out the full feature here!
Adafruit Industries Blog
We’ve published projects in Adafruit Industries’ Learning section and we’ve also been featured on their blog!
- A Beginner’s Guide to Microcontrollers book promo
- IoT Pet Monitor project promo
- Minecraft Gesture Controller
- See more here!
Stilettos & Screwdrivers
A smartphone repair service run by a phenomenal tech entrepreneur that provides information, advice, and support to other tech entrepreneurs. Jen was the first Women in Tech feature on the blog, which you can find here.
Some excerpts:
“What made you choose the tech industry as a profession?
I suppose it chose me! My first exposure to physics was as a senior in high school, and it just clicked. It came easy for me and I loved it: Finally, an application for all this math we’ve had to learn over the years! That experience prompted me to pursue physics in college with a vague goal of wanting to be a cosmologist (particle physics + astrophysics), until realizing that my passion for environmental and social justice meant I had to contribute to positive change in the world.
I’ve dabbled in numerous STEM areas until landing on what I do now: a blend of inventing, engineering, and teaching.
What are some of your hobbies?
Too many things! I love rock climbing, playing piano, and taking my pup, Marley, on walks. I love exploring cities and nature, finding hidden spots and secret views. I love making all kinds of things, especially for people I love. I love finding second uses for objects I might otherwise throw away. I love making/altering my own clothes when I have time or am inspired. I love reading (mostly fiction). I also enjoy spending time with friends over coffee, beers, and/or food!
What is one manta you live by?
I always ask myself “Why” I am doing what I am doing — even if I sometimes feel like I don’t exactly know “what” I’m doing, knowing why is motivation to push through and learn the things I need to do what I am working towards.”
Electronics, Circuits, and Embedded Programming
A page for cutting edge technology news and tutorials. Our founder was featured as part of the “Meet the Maker” series. Check out the post here.